Label-Lyte™ films for wrap-around, reel-fed label applications
Label-Lyte wrap-around, reel-fed oriented polypropylene (OPP) films make up a large sub-family of materials specially designed for beverage container labeling.
Transparent, white and metalized grades are available.The films offer outstanding product presentation and controlled mechanical properties for ease of application.
Label-Lyte benefits
good receptivity to most inks and very good print definition
high film modulus in machine direction for good print registration control
excellent film transparency (clear films) or opacity (cavitation technology for white films)
high modulus in machine direction provides low film stretchability
high yield, lower density of cavitated films means lighter rolls with associated benefits of lower transportation and storage costs
hot melt anchorage for high and stable bond (recommended mono-web grades do not contain migratory additives)
ideal for high-speed labeling
Label-Lyte films’ polymer density aids flotation separation (where available) from PET bottles and also means there is typically less resulting waste, by weight, than with other materials.